Solo Projects

Obrera Centro, Mexico City, June 9 to 16, 2019”
by Zoë Heyn-Jones

“How much art can you take? MoCCA’s thought provoking show turns the spotlight on itself”
James Adams
The Globe & Mail

“MOCCA feels pinch as trendy restos, boutiques, move in”
Murray Whyte
Toronto Star

“Ron Benner Hart House Garden
RM Vaughan
The Globe & Mail

“Challenging the Stamp of Disapproval”
Murray Whyte
Toronto Star

Collective Projects

Feminist Art Museum
Temporary Art Review

“Making Space
In Hong Kong, migrant domestic workers squeeze into tiny living quarters for six days of the week, then claim the city's public plazas on their day off”
Ruth Jones
Canadian Architect

“Queen West has a surprise in store” Murray Whyte
Toronto Star

“Video Rental Store: An Interview with Suzanne Carte-Blanchenot and Su-Ying Lee”
Mel Hogan
Media Fields Journal